How do professional 3D modellers do this

So, im still quite a noob in modelling, topology and that kinda stuff. I thought it wouldve been a good idea to observe meshes and topology of ingame models, objects and those kinda things.
What I noticed is the high vertix count, but now im curious… How do they manage to get no creases in their mesh with that amount of vertices? Its almost insane to be honest! I myself use subd. Modifier a lot in my work… Smooth out vertices a bit… But with a high vertix count my mesh gets a lot of creases.
So, game model designers, 3d modellers, or just blender users in general, what are your secrets?! :slight_smile: (or methods to prevent creases with high vertix count)


Generally speaking, when you see a high poly model, the artist hasn’t individually manipulated each of those faces/verts. 99% of the time, you’ll work with a lower res model, and then rely on various levels of subdivision (Subsurf or multires with Blender) to smooth things. It’s more manageable to work with. The higher poly count then comes from those various tools being applied when you export your game ready model.

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Ooh! Sounds legit. Thanks for the reply!

It’s largely about polygon density and spacing. It’s a lot easier to get a smooth subdivision result if your polygons are all quads, are all roughly square and evenly spaced. If you have areas with highly concentrated edge loops, the slightest flaw will produce very visible wrinkles.

Also, you should avoid working with way more polygons than is needed to get the correct shape, as the subdivision will add them in anyway and it will just become harder to manage.

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And you don’t need to have millions of polygons to use the sculpt tools… it also works on 10000…

Just add Suzanne, add one subdiv, go into sculpt mode and voilà.

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There are lot of ways actually. Working on lowpoly cage with Subdivision enabled, sculpting, proportional editing. Generative methods like NURBS and other curve-based surfaces. Automatic remeshing of high poly sculpt too; though the latter is more of a self deception and never places edge loops correctly

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