how do we learn from mistakes?

most of us have heard that we are humans and humans make mistakes… and i strongly believe that this is true…

but when we do make mistakes, there is this part of us that does not want to accept the fact that we actually made one and sometimes it blinds us from daring? to look at our mistakes and learn from them…

it seems that the saying ‘learn from mistakes’ is easier said that done… how would one break the barriers that make him/her learn?

try learnin’ from others mistakes too - you won’t live long enuff to make them yourself - I plagerised this quote from an anonymous person not me.

You just need to force yourself to stop for a second.

It’s a matter of motivation and self confidence. If you trust yourself enough, you’ll acknoledge your mistake, then you’ll think about it and what went wrong and how you could have made it better.

And then, if you really did that, you won’t ever do it again.

I recognize my mistakes but repeat them anyway. Though when I realise I’m doing something where I could make an error, and make one, I generally get it right the second time

I think that you realize you made a mistake and you subconsciously decide not to make that mistake again and embarrass yourself again. That is if the mistake was big and blatant enough to remember. I’m just guessing though because I haven’t been alive long enough to be able to really make an honest assessment.

Really there’s a mistake to be found in anything we do. In animation or drawing the human form, there are thousands of small things to take into consideration. We normally can get the basics, and with training and experience we can narrow that down. Self-evaluation is what makes someone stand out.
Chuck Jones for instance, would rely on his own foibles to draw inspiration in his cartoons… and it really showed! Like anything else, reference material leads to success and very few opportunities for comedy exist than in failure :slight_smile: Especially if it’s something you can recover from…

thanks everyone… each reply has something to learn from…

ok, but when you evaluate yourself and have decided that everything you did was close to perfect but an evaluator tells you how what you have done was horrible and gives you a list of the errors; these errors will be very hard to look at, don’t you think?
what to do then?

Set your goals high.
My goal is to eventually accomplish perfection.
But I know I am not perfect, so can never obtain this goal.
Therefore I will make mistakes.
Since I have not obtained my goal yet.
I am free to make mistakes.
Now I must take it apart.
And learn how to fix it.
- by Some Young Fool

[quote=dyf; an evaluator tells you how what you have done was horrible and gives you a list of the errors; these errors will be very hard to look at, don’t you think?
what to do then?[/quote]

Yes, but in order to achieve the goal of awesomeness, you must.

Criticism …both giving AND taking is a skill. Even people who excel at it will have bad days and good days. For example… if someone were to tear apart a drawing I posted I might initially be put off. After thinking about it or perhaps asking… I would have to look at the criticisms and see if I could identify with what the comments are.
That’s one of the keys… being able to look at things from another person’s perspective. Working FOR someone, you’ll have to get used to this. I, for example, am currently under the supervision of someone who doesn’t have a clue about art/design… he told me a collage needed more square pictures/overlaps… he had me make a character’s boobs unrealistically large, and alter that model’s face so that it looks more like a Barbie than a person… and use terribly edited photo textures rather than procedurals…

So… how do you deal with that? The criticisms aren’t really even justified and it’s not really a mistake… .You see… it boils down to him being my client… and if that’s what he wants… then that’s what he’ll get!
Life is too short to take things so personally that you cannot discern value.
Being married is another example… I guess alot of this deals with compromise. A lot has to deal with learning to let go…

I like this conversation :slight_smile:

From the Newsweek article:
But not, it seems, all kids. In about 30 percent, the coils of their DNA carry a glitch, one that leaves their brains with few dopamine receptors, molecules that act as docking ports for one of the neurochemicals that carry our thoughts and emotions. A paucity of dopamine receptors is linked to an inability to avoid self-destructive behavior such as illicit drug use. But the effects spill beyond such extremes. Children with the genetic variant are unable to learn from mistakes. No matter how many tests they blow by partying the night before, the lesson just doesn’t sink in.


That is the most ridiculous lie I’ve ever heard. Can people no longer take responsibility for their actions instead of making excuses?

Oh, I dunno. Take it up with the scientists who authored the paper.

And taking responsibility is a two-way street. If people who have that genetic mutation want to maintain that this makes them not responsible for what they do, then the logical result will be to lock them up forever in some institution for such maladies. They are admitting that they are permanently incapable of functioning in a modern society, are they not?

We probably have a strong built in urge to be right. Whether it’s connected to dopamine receptors or something else, doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that humans who continue to make mistakes won’t survive to pass those particular genes to the next generation.

When you’re dealing with primitive survival, hunting, gathering, farming, making mistakes means you starve, your children starve and you don’t attract mates. Of course, needing to be right also means not wanting to look at mistakes until they really bite you in the ass.

If it is the dopamine receptors, then it looks like the self-destructive behavior part of winnowing out the gene pool is still working, except the hazards are different: drug overdoses, reckless driving, hurricane parties.

I think a lot of people learn by reading the wiki links that I give them.


We don’t learn anything we don’t want to learn.

Humility and Humbleness are keys to learning from your mistake, sometimes we think too highly of ourselves that we excuse our mistakes, we even make lies up about them. You must be honest with yourself, become humble enough to admit you’re wrong and you will learn from a mistake. Many times we choose to make a mistake because the correct choice is something we often percieve as being too hard, but it’s worth it in the end.


You can’t fill a cup that’s already full… (at least that’s what Jackie Chan says)

And just how did Jackie Chan learn that, I wonder? Spilling hot tea on himself by pouring it into a cup that was already full?