How do you create a star in Blender 2.5

Hi all. I’m looking to create a star shape for a project I’m doing. I tried extruding points on a circle but it looks quite messy and hard to get the symmetry right (even with XY mirror). I’ve only been using blender for about 2 weeks so am still fairly new. I’ve scoured the internet, but to no avail. The only useful things were for older versions.

Any tips? Thanks in advance.

Selct every other point on a circle and scale outwards or inwards towards the centre of the circle

Ah of course. Many thanks Richard.

check extra addon i think there is a script for star in there somewhere !


Yeah I saw that in 2.4 but couldn’t see one for 2.5.

Another unrelated question, would it be possible (through the use of collisions or something) to create a corresponding screw and nut in blender, such that you could rotate the nut down the screw?

such that you could rotate the nut down the screw?

Look up using drivers. The objects vertical position drives the objects rotation.

Ok, thanks again.

Sorry to bombard you with questions (it’s your own fault for being so helpful :p) but how do I stop a face ‘pulling’ when I join two vertices. Picture attached which should show you what I mean.

I want the two vertices to join, but not to pull the face with them.

Thanks again.

i’v seen it in 2.6 long time ago

ask question in python forum!

or check out the wiki page for scripts
or forum on scripts here!

i’m certain there are script for stars!


Thanks Ricky, will have a look.

i found it by fourmadman
but not updated for 2.6

ask in python forum to get an updated version of it

or another one working in 2.6


Add 2 more vertices between the two shown in the pic, close to the two vertices. See screenshot. It looks like you are using the subsurface modifier, so you need to add extra vertices to offset the smoothing effect of the modifier. Sorry, short on time, can’t explain further. In the screenshot I added one vertex to stop the pulling effect at one end of the face…



You’re right I was using the subsurface mod. OK, I get what you mean. Thanks.

First time using this forum, so thanks all for your help. I appreciate it.

Sorry, I was in a hurry when I wrote that reply, so let me explain a bit further…

Here’s the default cube with a subdivison surface modifier on it:

Now, tab into edit mode and the screen will look like this:

Now, if you move the mouse to one of the vertical black lines and ctrl-r, blender will draw a purple line going around the center of the cube. This shows where blender will make a loopcut. Left clicking will confirm that you want to do this operation, and blender will make a loopcut, adding 4 more vertices. The new vertices will be orange in color, and you will be in edge slide mode. You can now slide the new vertices upwards, close to the top and left click again to confirm. Now you will have something like this:

Having another set of vertices so close to the top ones creases the effects of subsurf. Alternately you can select the top edges, ctrl-e to bring up the edges menu, select edge crease, then move your mouse away from the mesh to increase the amount of crease to sharpen the edges.

Most experienced modellers avoid the crease method and go with the edge loop method because the results are smoother and easier to control.

Hope this helps,


Not sure about 2.5, but in 2.6, you’ve got addons for both stars and nuts/bolts.
Open a UserPreference window, click Addons and Add Mesh.

Sorry if you looked and it’s not on 2.5…

yes i’v seen it in extra objects
one if the item will give a star !


Perfect randy, thanks for taking the time to help. I got it sorted.

UncleGummy and Ricky, yeah I updated to 2.6 recently and after your advice have found the star.

Thanks again all. Sure I’ll be back with more questions soon :smiley:

I would model one arm of the star, then add an array modifier with an object offset as an empty. Set the array to be the amount of spokes you want on the star and then rotate the empty around until the star is formed.

So many different ways to model something lol :stuck_out_tongue: