How do you get Fiber to only work in certain parts?

How do you get Fiber to only, for example, create hair on one section of a mesh?


You can control fiber density with vertex paint.

Have a look at some documentation here

How would you split the scalp from the rest of the head :o?

Well, I think the vertex color blue controls desity. So, selelct your head, set its vertex paint color to black, then paint in the scalp area with blue.

Make sure the Vcol button is pressed in the fiber gui, then run fiber

i use a different mesh cutting away what i don’ t need to be furry

Well, I think the vertex color blue controls desity. So, selelct your head, set its vertex paint color to black, then paint in the scalp area with blue.

Make sure the Vcol button is pressed in the fiber gui, then run fiber[/quote]

:expressionless: I’m a noob…How do you change the vertex paint colors?

Check out the Blender 2.3 doc

:expressionless: can’t find it :frowning:

HTML doc

download doc

To get into vertex paint mode, select your mesh, then go to the drop down menu at the bottom of the 3d view (the menu probably says ‘object mode’) and select ‘vertex paint’;

Then go into a ‘Buttons window’ panel, click the ‘edit’ button (or hit f9), you’ll see a panel in there called ‘colors’. There you can set color, opacity, size…

when run, it says “Python Error: Check console” :frowning:


warning: integer argument expected, got float
warning: integer argument expected, got float
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 201, in bevent
IndexError: list index out of range

Not sure. You might try posting to this thread if you’re getting errors.

Yay, got it! but what colors can I use to make ‘no hair’ in a region?

No color, black. When you select your mesh, set the colors sliders to all zero than paint in the black area. Or you can hit shitft-K to set the whole mesh to black, then paint in the blue area.

No color, black. When you select your mesh, set the colors sliders to all zero than paint in the black area. Or you can hit shitft-K to set the whole mesh to black, then paint in the blue area.[/quote]

It’s still making hairs everywhere on him…

No color, black. When you select your mesh, set the colors sliders to all zero than paint in the black area. Or you can hit shitft-K to set the whole mesh to black, then paint in the blue area.[/quote]

It’s still making hairs everywhere on him…[/quote]

Try separating the scalp from the head to run fiber on it.

In edit mode select all the verts that are part of the scalp, hit P, then choose ‘separate selected’ from the popup menu. Then run fiber on the separated piece. When you get the fibers the way you want, you can reattach the scalp: in object mode select the scalp then select the rest of the character mesh, ctrl-J to join them, go into edit mode, select all the vertices, go into buttons window> edit buttons, hit the remove doubles button. This will join all the vertices back together

Blender crashes a lot when I try to delete the hair that I just created. Is there a way to fix that? :o

Yay, thanks for all the help! Really appreciated zbgump!!! :smiley:

if you just want to “delete” the blue color you can set the vertex paint color a bright blue and set the paint mode to “Sub” (standard is Mix)
then paint your mesh
all blue vert color will be erased leaving yellow if you had it painted white and so on … :wink:
