How do you make a long bush in Blender?

Hi everyone,
Basically, I wanted to create an elongated bush. Was going to create a leaf and then use a partical system, but things did not go according to plan :smiley:

How do I cover the cube completely? So the vegetation would cover everything there & in different directions? Or the partical system is not working here?

Maybe there are other ways to create such bushes?

Hey, using particle system, have you tried to use Children?

I tried that, and it looks like there’s no empty space leftover.


No, not really. I dont know how to use that properly, I know only basic things about particle system, like applying an object. Thank you for you hint, Ill try to use that option and see whatll happen.

It is pretty easy to use. Just open Children tab, and check “Interpolated”

Depending on your hardware, you could also play with settings in there.

Also you can encrease the amount of your particles here:

I set it up to 40000, you could try something lower, like 5-10K


Thank you, it worked well!

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You’re welcome!

Always glad to help!