How do you make bubbles in fluid?

Now making bubbles in fluid might sound easy at first, but after thinking about it and trying some basic stuff I can’t figure out how to model it. Bubbles are super thin! Ideally i like the fluid and bubble to be 1 mesh, so i can export it to another app for rendering. Also if it could be made with non destructive modeling I could change it easier.

Reference of the soap bubble I need to model:

The bubble inside touching the inner walls.

Simply add particle or mesh inside the fluid.

^^ This does work and I have used such a method in the past - but you also need to bear in mind that for refraction calculations in the bulk liquid, you go from air to liquid back to air again. Whereas for a bubble you go from bulk liquid to air and back to bulk liquid.

You therefore need to ensure that the bubble object has the same IOR as the liquid, but invert the normals or give the bubble object an IOR value that is 1/liquid IOR

This thread explains it and has a few images to illustrate why this is important (it was actually the thread where I learnt about this method)

Here is a test I did:

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