So I have a road I am planning to seperate into a bunch of seperate squares (for lights on the road) but I wanted to know how can I have blender automatically seperate every triangle/quad? Not super experienced haha.
There might be a better way to do this, but here’s two ways I can think of off the top of my head.
optional: select everything and use Tris To Quads (alt+J) to make it all quads.
Manual Method: select a face and press Y to split it from its homies. Do this for all the faces individually.
Automatic method: Add an edge split modifier, and make sure “Sharp Edges” is ticked.
Then in edit mode select everything (a) and mark as sharp (f3 type in mark sharp, or ctrl+e and find it on the dropdown menu)
Go back to object mode, and then back in the modifier tab mouse over the modifier and press (Ctrl + A) to apply it to the model.
Now in either case, manual or automatic, select all faces in edit mode, and Separate (P) and click on “loose parts”
All of your split faces will now be their own object.