How interesting(!) to observe YouTube "Harry Potter Movie Clips"

… that are not, and never were, “real.” In fact, they are “pure fabrications.”

Because I actually watched these movies, I know the real from the fakes.

However … shouldn’t the original-film copyright owners be pursuing any legal action? Or, do they not actually care?

One wonders …

But they are absolutely hilarious :smiley:

Or this one from Squid Game:

I’m aware of one case of a german youtuber (Coldmirror) who made voiceovers/synchros of the first few movies (Harry Potter und ein Stein). She had to take them down due to copyright reasons. But i loved watching those back then :slight_smile:

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My only problem is when YouTube publishes them as “authentic” movie clips, when in fact they weren’t. Is YT paying attention? (Doubt …)

That is probably the algorithm categorizing the video as such, not the uploader. It is physically impossible for humans to manually review and approve the terabytes of content that people upload on a daily basis.

Also remember this is big tech. we are talking about, who will only make an effort to listen to the userbase (or even provide them a human to talk to) when they get into a widely reported PR disaster. This thread is likely not going to make an impact.