How is this sort of UV layout achieved?


Does anyone know how to achieve UV unwraps like this? I was looking at the UV map for the human basemeshes generate by HumanGen (e.g. a leg):

How is this done? I have tried using UV squares and such but it never produces results like this. Follow active quads is similarly not close. I’m also confused as to how you then texture it - presumably it needs to be entirely hand painted?

You can try ZenUV “Reshape island” function. It can produce pretty close results, but anyway would require some manual tweaking.
For vanilla - just manually straigthening the vertices, pin them, unwrap again and so on.
For specialized software like RizomUV making unwrap like so are literally a few clicks.

The same way as other models. Mostly procedurally. And its also not problem at all to paint some details, etc. If it would need to have some high detailed scanned textures from other models - when its can be baked.
So nothing really changes here.

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Most UV addons have functions to force an island into a grid. Unfortunately this doesn’t exist in vanilla Blender

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Thanks, I’ll look into that. I assumed that the UV stretching would be a problem, but I forgot you can apply textures in different mapping ways.

So I think I am still confused as to how this would work.


If I unwrap this leg and pin the boundaries in a square - I then need to manually align to a grid? Using grid to squares or ZenUV reshape/quadrify just results in a mess. I also tried lightmap packing / follow active quads, neither of these seemed to produce much of anything useful.

Again, this is mostly trying to understand how humangen managed to turn something like a head into a perfect square. Normally I’d just UV unwrap and pack irregular islands.

live unwrap and pins.

As mentioned Uv-addons… You may have a look at: