hello guyz. sry if my post isnt in true place. i dunno where i post it. i think here is true place
my question is?
when u open blender. u see top camera front right views.
& cuz im 3ds max user.i like change my views like 3ds max.
i chose my views to prespective left top front
its ok but when i use toggle windows. ( i mean u use hotkey alt ctrl q ) . & next back to normal view. it back to default views. & again there is top camera frotn right
so ? how i can look my views. for ever. not change.
ty so much
Personally I never use the quad-view, I didn’t even know that you could change those other viewports. However if you change the views to how you would like them and then save your user-preferences (Ctrl+U) then it should stay that way I think. I’m not 100% sure though.
i wana change my views as like i love them.
so i change my views like this
front top left prespective
well. everything is ok. bug when i use alt ctrl q for toggle mode & next i wana back to my faver views. they back to default views again
i mean i use ctrl u
but it dont save my views for ever
ctrl u just save my views for first start. but when i use toggle mode. everything back to defaults.
ty tynka for helping. i know i must make new & i did
i changed my views as i like & i cr8ed. but when i use toggle mode & next i exit toggle mode. every views back to Default (like yours) i wana my views look for ever as i like. not back to default.
hello dude. i atached 2 pic for help u what i saying
pic 1 is my favor views.
but when i use alt ctrl q for toggle mode & next i use that hotkeys for exit from toggle mode.everythings back to default. like pic 2
Look at my image and that red rounded rectangle and “+”-sign. Every changes you make in that Screen Layout will stay there. You may have ex. 10 different Screen Layouts and use Ctrl+CursorLeft/Right to change Screen Layouts (or mouse).
dude. i dunno why u dont understand me.
i made a new layout. & u can see in my pic 1. my layout’s name is my view
so its saved. so it must not change. but when i go toggle mode & next exit than toggle mode. everything back to default.
& i notice something else. when i change my views & save it as u know ( layout ). when i quit from program & later start program again. my layout gone :O. even i used ctrl + u. but when i again start program. my layout didnt exist.
this layout work for a moment. it will delete with quit from program. or with toggle mode.
madmaster_3d, you’re the one who doesn’t understand…
You save the quad UI layout under a new name (don’t forget to CTRL-U to make that permanent). After that you change between the single view (Default) and the new quad view (however you called that) with CTRL+left/right arrow keys, NOT with CTRL-ALT-Q…
madmaster_3d, you’re the one who doesn’t understand…
You save the quad UI layout under a new name (don’t forget to CTRL-U to make that permanent). After that you change between the single view (Default) and the new quad view (however you called that) with CTRL+left/right arrow keys, NOT with CTRL-ALT-Q…
ty for help. but u dont understand what i say. i know how cr8 my layout & how work ctrl + u
but i say when i go toggle mode & back. my views gone
i test what u said. i mean ctrl + left & right. it works. but when i wana have big screen i must use toggle mode. so i use it. but when back from toggle. everything back to default view. not my layout views.