How mix 2 Displacement node?

Hello :grinning:

How to mix for examle a “voronoi” and a “noise” ?

Pipe the voronoi and noise nodes into a mix node with it set to overlay, then make it plug into a single displacement node

Oops, a bit difficult for me…

Here’s a screenshot of how to do it. the Factor in the mix node allows you to shift what image is more prominent than the other

Also heads up, you have to search for “Mix” not “Overlay” node

Thank you Tom ! Thank you Hikmet ! :pray:
About this, does it « mix » the 2 displacement by creating a new effect or it works simply like 2 different layers that you can play with opacity?

Ok so I tried, I didn’t found your “Overlay” Tom, I used your “Mix” Hikmet.
It works but like opacity layers. Is-there a way that this 2 displacement interacts and then create a new result? :nerd_face:

The displacement changes the geometry of the object at render time, so what do you want to do with opacity layers? You can still play with the “Fac” value in the Mix node to blend between the two displacement maps.

Yes you are right, I play with with it and found something, thank you :wink:

Sorry for the late reply.
So, the image below shows a mix node, in that node there is a dropdown menu and, in that drop down there are multiple “blending modes”. one of which is Overlay. using these different blend modes, you can find or even get a better result that you’re looking for

:+1:Wow, thank you Tom !
By the way, do you know if there is a way to convert my displacement to a mesh? I found some tutorial but with my round object the baked texture was not mapped well.
I’m astonished that there is no addon about this !

There are 2 ways in blender that allows you to use displacements m, only 1 of those methods slows you to “bake” or more accurately called applying the displacement to the geometry. And that is setting up the displacement with the modifier instead of using the shader. The problem with this is that playing around with UVs is annoying because their modifier side rather than node side, and you can’t be as free as you can with nodes

Tldr: there is but considering what you want to do with the displacements, it’s not worth it as you can’t easily or even replicate the same effect with the originally stated methods of blending the nodes together

Interesting :nerd_face: In fact I begun directly with nodes, but at the end of the day difficult to bake complex displacement nodes, my result is crap…
So I restart and I try with the “displace” modifier…

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