How much do you make in game engine vs model engine

Hi all,

I am a long time level creator but for already made game engines like HL, Medal of honour etc where they have their sdk and level editors. Now i am using blender and Unity as the game engine. The question is this…

How much do i create in model editors vs creating in the game engine?

I assume all assets are made in the model engine and imported into the game engine which i understand but…

Do you all create the floors, walls, fences, roads, paths in the model engine also?

Is it just the Tarrain/sky/atmosphere and light that is made in the game engine whilst everything else is created in the model engine and imported in?

It would be good to know just how much is created outside the game engine and imported in.

Is it more optimised if you import a wall in, then making it in the game engine for example.

Hope my question makes sense.

I think a better way will be to make modular pieces (like walls and furniture) in Blender, import, then assemble the final level in game engine. Blender isn’t that good at supporting large scenes

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Thank you. I agree with modular and then importing to make them all into a game.

My question though is more generic and how much to people use external model engines vs the game engine itself.

Can i assume that i am correct in saying that most percentage is made in external engines like maya and blender, then imported into the game engine. Then the game engine puts them together. Thats what i used to do in hammer engine for half life and quadrant for medal of honour with their engines for example.

I assume the game engines you make the tarrain, light, atmosphere and coding etc. But ALL the models are made externally and imported in?

Some engines have limited modeling capabilities. Unreal at least has those BSP brushes for making levels. Unity can only do it through asset store plugins (ProBuilder I believe). But as mesh objects are pretty much requirement for modern graphics, bsp modelers aren’t used often

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Terrains are made in engine if it is a heightmap terrain, and imported if it needs to be a mesh (for things like caves and undercuts)

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Thank you very much for confirming it all. I thought it would be but wanted to ask just incase as my worry or concern was if it was all imported assets would it cause issue with lagging due to all the models and wondered if some would be inengine usage for the walls etc. Makes alot of sense now thank you.

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