How much UV distribution matters for splashy decals in games?

I never though about this before and when started to model some props for fun, I realized I don’t really know how decals get projected onto props in games. Blood/mud over the player’s weapon for example.

If I’d have 2 UV maps, first very simple one where almost entire model is more or less evenly distributed (face UV for example) and then other UV which has a lot of small parts distributed to they cover as much UV space as possible (in the picture below as an example, how does game decals treat such objects? What’s the usual way to do when one wants best of the both worlds - efficient UV space distribution and good looking, dynamic decals at the runtime?

Decals are mostly rely on GBuffer textures, so they totally dont care about your object UV. Basically your object can even didnt have any UV at all.
Even if its a different renderer, such as Forward renderer (GBuffer are Deffered rendering thing) - UV are still dont take a place on the whole process.

Ah, that’s clever! Thanks for the info!