I’m working on a stylized scene and I’d like to use some stock footage for fireworks, but they’re incredibly dark. How would I go about making them stand out? Here’s how they look in the rendered viewport. Any help is appreciated!
You might want to show your material nodes as well? For example, are they using an emission shader?
They need an emission shader (with loads of strength, try 80 apx) and some bloom (compositor.) Motion blur would be good too but that means an animation.
Such a simple solution. For whatever reason I didn’t think an emission shader would keep my darks dark, so I didn’t even try it. Thank you!
If you are using Eevee legacy (not Eevee next) the emission does not cast light on other objects.
If you use Cycles or Eevee next you can play with the strength and also move the fireworks back in your scene so they do not light the foreground.
This is cycles with the fireworks set back so they do not light the floor with some bloom.
Looking at the image that @DNorman just posted, I wonder if his approach might not be a useful way to create “stylized” fireworks. Even if you did not attempt to re-create the illusion of the mortar-shell going up in the air. Even if the effect is – as here – very “stylized.” It might be worth an afternoon or two of “fooling around with the idea, just to see.”