How to achieve carpet texture like this??

As attached, how do you achieve that carpet texture?

From my little knowledge, I know that Bump Mapping is out, since it does not physically change the shape of the object.

I suspect it has something to do with Displacement Mapping?

If so, I would really appreciate if someone could point out a tutorial on this, or give me simple steps to try it on my own.



looks like particle system is the optimal solution.

Yes, particles are the answer here…

I’ll go try it out. In the first place, WHERE do I find the particles functions?

I created a plane, clicked on “object” and 2 more icons appeared. One Physics and one Particles (I’m using Blender 2.46).

The tutorials in noob to pro etc have different panels from mine…

Also, what if you have a carpet like that? Thicker than “hair”. Would particles still work?


Look at the carpet here :
It was done using displace modifier. I think if you tweak it a bit you can achieve the same look as in the picture you posted

nice pic but this ain’t a tut on how to do it
so it doesn not anser the question !

search the wiki page for things about the Hair particule system
and study it in details
you can also find some pre-define procedural textures at blender