How to achieve this style?

Hey guys! So I want to model my own low poly character similar to this style:

So, what would be the best way to get this style? Should I go and model everything from scratch in low poly style? Or, should I model everything in mid/high poly count and then use some modifiers to get the low poly look?
I’m looking forward to your answers!

-Cheers, Dom

That depends on a lot of factors, for starters you should try using both methods and compare the results. In my opinion the best way would be to learn to sculpt, because it’s faster than traditional polygonal modeling, and then after you’ve made your sculpt you should add remesh modifier to it and tweak the settings to get the desired result. Keep in mind even after you apply your remesh modifier there’s a high chance you will still need to manually tweak your model to achieve the look of the model that you have in your mind. Here’s a link to something similar, maybe it will help maybe it will not, make sure to check out this guys to see how some of this things are done. Good luck.

Thanks for your help Ognjen.
I don’t know if I want to go into all about sculpting since I don’t know that much about form of the body and some other things.
I’ve already seen videos from PigArt. He is awesome.

@Dominik You’ve probably seen this but still here you go:

make a model with the main detail there, then try out the decimate modifier and some adjustment and it should be what your looking for.

good luck

I’m with @crazyCad2502 on that one. And if for some reason you want to get rid off some the triangles just select everything in edit mod with A and press alt+J to convert two triangles to a quad.

The guy who made models from the pictures from my first thread told me this:
start with a mid res model -> flatten brushes to find shapes i like -> retopo. backscene objects - > polyreduction modifiers

Thanks everyone for your help.

EDIT: I’m not quite sure how to start with mid res model. What would that mean? I understand low poly and high poly modeling (sculpting for example, right?). But mid poly is kinda strange to me.

This is mid poly in the middle of the picture as you can see:

Nice, thanks!
I have no idea how to go and start modeling with mid poly though

Well… Just model a low poly object and add one subdivision unit to it and apply it. You’ll then get a mid poly character that you can toy with using the decimate modifier.

Alright, thanks Ognjen.