How to add masks in succession?

I mean i know how, but for this set i cant figure it out.

So first set is a making the mask in the mesh a wave texture in Y axis.

The white part of the wave, i added a light brick texture [the big ones]

The black small part will have the complex set of masks that i need.

currently it has the darker brick like thing. this is the mask till now

as you can see, it already has a mask, the wave texture in X Axis. it makes the lines.

Now what i want, is to run ANOTHER Y axis wave texture AT THE MIDDLE of every mask. something like this.

so there will be the x wave texture marks AND the inside mask

Now inside THIS mask i want to add a procedural texture.

I tried using add and multiply in math node and used a mix rgb but i cant figure it out.

Can anyone help me out?

You can use the math node “greater than”, you just need to add another colour value to your colour ramp. Here .5 (grey) is greater than .4 and 1 (white) is greater than .6

I could have put thresholds of any value from 0.001 - .499 for grey or .501 - .999 for white. If you add one more decimal it would be rounded and will not work.


you said grey is .5, while im seeing grey at .026 in the image…

am i reading it wrong?

0.026 is the position of the slider in the colour ramp. The .5 refers to the Value (HSV) of the grey colour not the position of the slider.

so the threshold in the math node sees the HSV and not the position?

You are using the colour ramp to assign a value. The positions of the slider determine where those values are assigned on the textrure coordinates.
In this case I have 3 values black (value 0) grey (value .5) and white (value 1).
You could add more shades of grey and have more values.

The greater than node reads a “map” of values. The map is determined by the “factor” of the color ramp (wave texture) and the positions of the sliders. The values are determined by the colour value which for pure grey is the value in the HSV (H=0 S=0 V=0.5) is the same as (R=.5 G=.5 B=.5).

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thanks. i used different values for hsv but it worked out.

just one more kink to figure out but then its done

nvm. figured it out. thanks a LOT!!!

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