Hello everyone,
I am trying to instance an object around a sphere and align the objects to the sphere’s normals. I was following this tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmDv81dMQ6c) by CGCookie but it is outdated and uses nodes that no longer exist. I have tried nearly every combination of nodes I can think of to no avail. I have tried using Sample Nearest, Sample Index, Sample Surface and none seem to work. Here is a screenshot of the node setup I left off with and what it is doing to my object.
I’ll also attached a copy of my .blend file so anyone can take a look. I appreciate any direction on this because I am very stumped and frustrated.
Oil Devil Fruit Trimmed.blend (2.1 MB)
I actually just solved part of it. I created a Store Named Attribute node and stored the normal after the Subdivide Mesh node. Then I used that attribute to plug into the Align Rotation to Vector. However, it seems to be rotating my object around the local Z axis, but I don’t want the object to twist as it goes around. Does anyone know how to solve that?
Yes, that does! Much cleaner too. Still doesn’t solve my second issue unfortunately, but a good solution to the first. Thanks!
You can chain Aligns:
.e.g. here the x will be aligned in the up direction when aligned around the local z.
Good luck.
Sorry, I just got home. This was my second issue:
Zeroskilz response cleared it up though. Thank you for your help on the capture attribute! I like that solution.
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Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed. I wish I could mark two solutions because you both helped solve different parts of my problem. I really appreciate it!