Hi, that’ll deform the cube, however, I need the volumetric to follow the shape of the deformed cube without messing the effect itself.
Maybe 1.
Subdivide the cube a couple of times → using geometry nodes to get the nearest box vertice → get its normal → calculate that angle and use it to deform the volume
Or 2.
Using Volume to Mesh, but I’m struggling with configuring it correctly.
edit: The colors should bend based on the angle instead of being paralel to each other:
i seem to have made an error, the divide did not need a connection to the inner radius, sry about that.
I made some adjustments to the Material to make it a bit more clear. An important thing to keep in mind is that the values for the radius get scaled by the scale of the object the texture coordinate node is pointing to, so you might have to play with the values a bit.