How to animate a particle smoke trail with Empty

I have made a low poly smoke particle emitter and parented it to an empty. I have made a short screen capture video (see appended file).
I am able to move the emitter around in the 3d viewport which creates the animated smoke trails beautifully.
What I would like to do is parent the emitter to my jet plane model, and create an animation of the plane flying around in the scene, and to be able to record/keyframe the animation.
What is the trick to doing this. There must be a simple way?

How did you create your hierarchy?, cuz it looks OK in Outliner… would be much easier to solve with a file at hand, but…

anyways, first select a “Child”, then a “Parent”
ctrl+P > Set Parent To > Object (Keep Transform)
now you can freely manipulate Parent’s transform and Children will follow