How to animate a rigged character on blender (after using rigify modifier)

Please how do I animate this rigged character to perform different motion?

Switch into pose mode, and move controllers around. When you get things where you want, select all your bones with A and press I. Choose Location, Rotation, and Scale. Move to another keyframe, and do it again :slight_smile:

Welcome to BA :smiley:

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Thanks so much for the response, I am very new to animation, I need a more detailed explanation please :pray:. Video reference will be of great help. (Note: I have struggled to understand the animation videos I’ve seen on YouTube, not beginners friendly!)

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No worries :slight_smile: I don’t have a good video for an absolutely beginner level, but check this out. It’s very simple and comprehensive.

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Ok, thanks a lot! But what is BA…?

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It’s an abbreviation for :slight_smile:

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Based on your screenshot it looks like your kept the bones in T-pose while your model has the arms down. You won’t be able to control the arms properly that way. you should model the arms to align with the skeleton before you skin you character if you haven’t already.
The arms should look like this (the skeleton bones are in green in this example so its easier to see)

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Well I actually made the skeleton and the model in T-shape. I only brought down the hands to make a pose to render out!

Oh ok. Thank you

Although, I must admit getting the character back to pose mode to align with the skeleton is not working. Initial that wasn’t a problem but now it seems I have saved this current pose … How do I return the model back to the T-pose please?

Ok thanks a lot for this

Also these hot keys (you’ll notice them in that menu) are very useful, I use them all the time:
Alt G : resets position
Alt R: resets rotation
Alt S: resets scale

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Thanks a lot …
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