How to animate color/material over time?

Hey guys,

So I’ve had the same 3 second intro for my YouTube tutorial channel BlenderTek and my logo is just text cut in 6 parts (the color wheel) and colored their respective color.

For my new intro for BlenderTek and UnrealTek I want to have “TEK” cut into 6 parts and then it will “slam” into place. This part is easy.

I also want to make the material’s color change/set so that when say the first ‘pie slice’ is about to move into place, it turns its color, then just before the next, its color, all the way around.

How would I achieve this? Maybe drivers based on off screen emptys driving the diffuse node?

I’ve spent too long doing Unreal game Engine tutorials and not using Blender and Maya instead that I can’t even think of too many ways to get this effect. I can do it in the game engine no problem with a color over time setup.

Better yet, is there a way I could do a gradient effect like a clock/wiper moving around and doing a nice gradient color wheel and when one peice gets fully gradient-colored I’d animate it into the center.

Any help would be much appreciated!

I also want to make the material’s color change/set so that when say the first ‘pie slice’ is about to move into place, it turns its color, then just before the next, its color, all the way around.

How would I achieve this? Maybe drivers based on off screen emptys driving the diffuse node?
t depends how you wan it to change colour. You can keyframe any colour value.

Show us what you have and exactly what you want to achieve, easier for anyone to help you if they know what you actually want

I havn’t started the new .blend yet I wanted to get some input on this first. What I’ll have is a extremely hi-poly text element cut into pie slices with each pie slice representing a part of the color wheel starting from a bland-grey to an emissive color in a clock wise “radar sweep” style.

Will post a .blend when I get started/get further.

Thanks for your input!

So heres the prototype I whipped up. Nothing fancy. The effect I’d like is instead of going from yellow and key-framing the diffuse color to its color wheel color when it starts it movement in to the center (12 frames each) instsead of that, how would I acheive having the full 72 frames “sweep” from the center coloring each part of the mesh as it goes the appropriate color. I thought of maybe some sort of color ramp but I have each pie slice as a seperate mesh (6 segments),

I cant think of a way to acheive the effect. And to make it a gradient even harder. Basically rather than keying the color on a per segment basis I’d like to key it on a per-color and per-segment basis over the entire animation sweeping from the center out on a pivot. Will post the .blend if anyone would like, without the textures as the textures are pull PBR TGA’s so like 12mb alb, alb, ao, gl, nr, nr that makes over 70MB in textures.

What you can do is turn the material into a group node, expose the parameters you want, and then keyframe as usual using the ‘I’ key.

As far as I know, it’s the easiest and best way to directly animate material settings from node trees.

Will post the .blend if anyone would like, without the textures as the textures are pull PBR TGA’s so like 12mb alb, alb, ao, gl, nr, nr that makes over 70MB in textures.
Texture are not required, delete all unwanted crap from the blend file.

Basically rather than keying the color on a per segment basis I’d like to key it on a per-color and per-segment basis over the entire animation sweeping from the center out on a pivot.
? Do you want each object to have a solid colour or gradiant ? Sweeping from the center on a pivot ? What does this mean exactly, show example.

Take this for example, the center of the circle is the center of the logo and the color gradient is what Id like to sweep around the circle so every part of the logo starts say black or white and then asit gets swept over the color stays. So think of this picture overlayed ontop of my mesh and then animated so say 120 degrees per second are colored.

Heres the .blend with the solid color animated, but a gradient in a circle sweep is what im really looking for I’m not sure if it will show up without the textures but each segment of the mesh starts turning from yellow towards its color wheel color as its starts moving and is at its full color wheel color 100% saturated when its in position (moved to center). The center of the grid/3d cursor center is the center of the logo and their origins/pivot points.