How to animate this with armature + constraints?


I have made a headphone with an armature with separated bones for the 2 speakers that are rotating separatly, with hooked wires and a bottom wire with cloth simulation with collision, so at this state, everything is working and ready.
But the thing I would like to do, would be a contraint bound to another independent bone or empty axe, and when i would moove this empty axe in Z axe, then the entire armature and animation would do like from the first picture until the second picture just by mooving 1 empty axe.
I have watched courses about constraint I have an overview about how it works let’s say, but this situation I have no idea how to do, to tell to my empty axe to moove progressivly the upper armature and in same time rotate each single bone from each speakers.
This is the first time ever I do this, if someone who has time available could show the process, this would be very kind.

Edit: problem solved, here is the solution for those who are trying to bind armature with constraint

What are you trying to do? If you want to take them from their static position, and fix them onto a head, just place emptis on each ear then give your armature an IK constraint set to the empties with the influence set to between .5 and 1
(edit) that was kind of confusing when I read it back. If it’s unclear, please indicate such.
(edit) never drink and man the support forums.

I wrote above that my problem was solved