How to attach Grease Pencil to Rig?

Here I have made a little Jack Sparrow for a planned animation.

His Body Rig is good in itself, but to save time I drew his animated facial expressions with Grease Pencil onto the surface on the mesh. I used the usual parent to attach the Grease Pencil to the Rig, and also added an Armature, however the Grease Pencil isn’t moving itself along with the Rig.

He also has two of his chains I would like to attach (one on his bandana, another in his hair) I would like to animate them separately (eg. Swinging side to side as he moves) as they both have their own armature bones but it’s not too much of a problem if not.

Is there another method I can use attaching the Grease Pencil to the Rig (or mesh?) Here is what the Modifier looks with the Grease Pencil.

Screen Shot 2022-05-23 at 5.02.35 pm


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Ah that was the issue, attach to a single bone instead of the whole rig, Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’m a year late to this post but @Gemma, how were you able to attach the greasepencil to the 3d model’s rig? I see that you were able to figure it out by attaching it to a single bone instead of the whole rig, but I can’t seem to figure out what that means based on the tutorial that @joseph replied with