How to bridge 2 faces

How do you bridge / connect 2 faces?

Uh, expain question. if you have 2 faces made from 8 differnt vertices then you can select 4 of them and hit the FKey… or 3 of them if you want a tri instead of a quad but I would do 4 if I could. However, I am certain this is not what you mean.

you could also pick 2 edges that you want to become common then select a vert from each edge and hit Wkey then select merge>merge at center. Repeat on the other two vertices from the edges you want to merge. now you will have only one edge.

Still not sure what you are asking though.

what do you mean ?

  1. union two faces that are already connect to one bigger face ?


  1. Connect two loose faces with a third one ?

(Remember to be in Edit.Mode)
Connecting two loose one’s can be done by selecting the points/vertices on each that you want to connect an press F-Key, take care to select at most 4 Vertices, otherwise Blender will ask you to make a F-gon( means a Polygon with more than 4 Points). This will do the job. By selecting 3 Vertices you can make a triangle. If you just select a point on Face A and one Point on Face B a Edge will be generated.

I see no sense to connect 2 already connected quad Faces, but you can merge 2 Point to 1 by (in edit Mode) press w-Key and then selecting “Merge” or selecting both faces an F-Key would make a F-Gon possible, but in my opinion you cant use them, cause its just a missing edge instead of a union.

Have fun and keep Blendering

In the script window there is a bridge script in the mesh menu

you’ll never stop learning new tools in blender, didn’t know this cool,
but doesn’t work if the two faces are direct neighbours with an edge.

The thing i want to do is that i have 2 faces and i want to merge them in to one but i want them to keep the shape…

You could try to select them then hit F to make an Fgon

F-gons really just hide the edges, but it remains multiple faces…

Mormor, really you just need to deal with using many faces… you can’t just arbitrarily join faces together into non-tri, non-quad.

The deal is that we are modeling in 3d, not 4d or 5d…

What this means is that the triangle is the basis of our models since you need 3 and only 3 points to get a plane(face) in 3d…

Even quad’s are really just 2 triangles to the actual renderer… quad’s are only useful for edgeflow / sub surfing calculations but still are really just 2 triangles together.

So anyway, the point is that due to the fact we are working in 3D, you need to just learn to model using triangles and quads, and don’t worry about trying to join them, because if you were successful, it would cause a heap of problems with your model(please show me the math and rendering algorithms for 8+ vertex planes… rofl…)

If you are refering to my post I was just trying to show how to conect 2 faces/planes together by using or creating a 3rd. In the other example I tryed to show how to merge the edges of two planes.

I would rather hate to work mathmatically with more then say 4 points in a plane. I can do calculas if pushed but that does mean I can understand 8th 12th or 18th dimintional space. I have enough trouble rapping my mind around 3d + time.


Im gonna delete this post and make a new one where i explain my problem in more detail.