How to bring a series of keyframes from node A and to node B?

How to bring a series of keyframes from node A and to node B?

I’m aware of the “Copy As New Driver” approach but it is not what I want as this is making node A copying what node B does, I simply want to bring a series of keyframes from node A to node B.

Thank you.

Its rather tricky to copy ‘keyframes’ between nodes… (animation data comes with different formats)

The simplest option would be (with nodes):

  • add a keyframe to parameter in the B node (mouse over: press I → as insert keyframe because we need an animation fcurve there and by default they have none)
  • open a dopesheet for your root (the material)… you should see all fcurves including the one you just created for that B node’s parameter)
  • *Menu>Keys>Copy KF/ Paste KF: from Node A to Node B (carefull with the ‘Currrent Frame’ index, as it will paste the FCurve at the current one)
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Depending on the situation (I might be missing something) maybe adding an external value to drive both nodes would be easier. Then keyframe the external value.


Context, I added keyframes to node A to animate, but after that, I changed my mind and wanted to use node B for animating instead, but all of my keyframes that I added to node A can’t be brought into node B.

You suggestion is good but I didn’t have external values to input into both nodes A and B in the first place.

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