How to build a scene with Curved World effect

Is there a way to have a curved world like Death Spank or Animal Crossing?

This effect used to be called Rolling Log Effect (by Nintendo) also World Bending Effect is another name.

This effect is a world shader feature, not a modifier or mesh-base effect.

The whole idea is like a curved sight of camera instead of having straight one, the world elements are going behind the horizon like it rolls.

There are some tutorials for Unity, they do somethings with Graph shader there, semi-equal to World Shader of blender. But even any kind of script is appreciated too! XD

Examples: [left is Death Spank and Subway surfer (this features a vertical bending effect), right is Animal Crossing]

ِDeath Spank and Subway Surfer
Animal Crossing

I’ve found an article for this in Blender Artist forums and a user suggested a script, it is for version 2.1 of Blender I guess, and for the period software had Game engine feature, while it doesn’t anymore.

The world shader they talk of is a Vertex Shader - not a Pixel/Fragment Shader…

The Material shaders in Blender are like Pixel Shaders.
Geometry Nodes are like Geometry Shaders (which are similar to Vertex Shaders but more powerful but slower) and therefore do operate on the base geometry.

Hopefully that tempers your expectations.

That means that your only options are a Python script or GN…

Would you like to know more?

In Blender the is no world shader in the way that you are describing, The world shader just changes how the background, behind all objects, looks like.

For completenes sake, you can actually use shaders for this, its currently only possible with cycles, or in 4.1 in eevee Next. The displacement node can be used to move geometry on a vertex basis. That being said, Geometry Nodes seems to be the far better option here, since for the shader aproach you would have to modifiy each material seperately instead of just applying one Geometry Nodes modifier to all objects.
In the End The shader would just do the same as Geometry Nodes, it would just do it more efficiently and the viewport preview would be only possible in rendered mode.


GN solution preview:

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Well… if the “world” is more like a projection from within a giant sphere then properly something like this:

…and i (wildly) guess the wanted aeffect is more something like “looking onto a sphere”… but is also possible ??

What exactly do you want to do? It’s possible to use baking of reflective surface to make yourself weird camera sensors, also it’s possible to use refractive shader for objects in the scene to bend light. It’s not elegant or efficient, but it is possible to render all sorts of stuff using Cycles.

You can parent a few refractive planes to the camera for example:


This could work for what you want in Cycles. I have attempted to answer a similar question on Blender Stack Exchange a few years ago.
