hey. any suggestions how to make carriable objects by player? i tried a python script with combination of ray, near and radar with action keys and get/setPosition… but without any good result… please help…
Make objects with their own set of arms parented to the camera make them all invisible give them all an “active” boolean variable. Make it so that when you walk over the object you want to pick up it sends a message to the object. that message should turn active on, have an always sensor and an action that plays the weapon being picked up make it 0 priority(lower numbers are higher priority). make frame prop. set it so that when that animation is over it plays the idling animation if you have one(this priority should be a number higher than 0, you don’t need an animation for idle objects it just looks a lot more professional) and then make it so that if you walk over a different object it sends a message to activate that object and deactivate and other objects.
i know how can i make weapon to pick up… and thanks… but i want a diferent think… i want to carry objects like in hl2 or penumbra series…
As far as weapons are concerned, try parenting the objects to the camera like droid15 says and then each time the character passes over the spot where the object is a message is sent to start an animation of that object parented to the camera, for instance a rotation, so it comes from below. You can also play with visibility or other stuff.
You want to carry objects like in Halo? Well than I guess you can use armatures and constraints…