How to change strength of studio light via python? (UPBGE)

Hello I would like to have the studio light strength change from 1 to 0 when entering a new scene. I assume that this is achievable via python, but what would the required script be? Thanks.

Right click on Strength and choose Copy Full Path. Now you have the python code to change the strength :slight_smile: just take whatever that code is and toss an = 0 on the end

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Hello. I see, but how do I unlock this? Thanks


Technically it’s["Layout"].shading.studiolight_intensity but it doesn’t really work, and given that this only shows in Material Preview, not Rendered, I don’t think you can use it

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I see. Are there any workarounds for this to darken the environment? For example changing the HDRI via python?

Yeah, that’s pretty simple :slight_smile:["World"].node_tree.nodes["Background"].inputs[1].default_value = 0

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thanks for the help

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