How to composite a thick line for character? (Not freestyle or anything)

Is there anyone who knows what to do? It is an art style choice from UPA with a thick outline. like this below


I only want to focus on the character, not the background. I also don’t want a freestyle or solidify outline, only composite. Ideally, I’d like something like “Just Dance.”

Please don’t forget to demonstrate pictures, gifs, or upload blends files. to make it easy to understand.

You might try add>>grease pencil>>line art.

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Like this…

The RGB node gives the color of the surround, and the DilateErode node Distance gives the thickness. Remember to change the DilateErode to Feather Mode.

I get the feeling It should be can be less complex. But my brain cannot work it out at the moment. It works, that is the important thing.

Thanks, but there is 2 thing, how do I rid of the black void in the background? I want to put anything for my project. and second, I experimented then Moneky’s outline joining the “cubes test”. outline only for monkeys, and cubes test" for the background so it is not supposed to have a outline. here is the file.

I couldn’t quite get your noodle to work but the concept is almost the same here. I also don’t know how to work with Eevee so you need to pardon my use of denoise filters with cycles because they have nothing to do with rest of the noodle concept.

You may also notice that the cubes have the monkey’s shadow but the monkey does not appear on top of the cubes except in the composite. This is thanks to that little crooked arrow in the top right hand corner of the screenshot.
test.blend (3.0 MB)

To keep outlines separate you have to put the objects on separate View Layers. That will keep them from merging and you can adjust them separately as well, i.e. make them non existent, different colors, thicknesses, etc…

If you don’t know how to configure View Layers then you have a fairly steep learning curve ahead of you.

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Perhaps post an example of whatever “just dance” is, to make it easy to understand what it is you want.

I’ve downloaded your file and haven’t a clue what you’re trying to accomplish.

You might also wish to discuss why you’re trying to avoid using freestyle or solidify, as one/both of those options are how most people generate an ink line around a celshade object.