How to connect vertices like this

in one go and with a clean result?


The closest I found in blender is the “connect vertex path” but it almost always gives me unpredictable and messy geometry.
Is there another way?

Run a “Vertex Connect” command after selecting all of the vertices. This does the same operation as what you’re showing being done in Cinema 4D.

Space bar > Vertex Connect

The main difference between this tool and Connect Vertex Path is this tool ignores selection order and connects all selected vertices that share a face.

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I get inconsistent results with connect vertex in that case.

A different approach with the same result:

  1. loopcuts
  2. dissolve central vertex (x, d)
  3. poke the n-gon (alt+p)
  4. bevel the central vertex (ctrl+b, v) and delete the face
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Thanks for the answer 3DKiwi from c4dcafe (yeah, I remember you. I’m quite surprised to see you here) :smile:

Anyway, I’m testing this in 2.8 btw, but when I execute this command nothing happens. Not sure if i’s a bug in 2.8, or something else. Also I can’t seem to find that function in the UI, it’s only available in the search, maybe?


Hi, thanks for answering and explanation. Yeah, I know how to do it in other ways, I was just curious if there was a quick one button solution. :slight_smile:

Here’s another unsolicited way to do that:

  1. triangulate the n-gons (ctrl+t)
  2. tris to quads (alt+j) - you will need to adjust the default settings to increase the max shape angle above 45°
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Interestng. :slight_smile:

My guess is there’s a bug or the function isn’t working yet in 2.8. I’m still on 2.79b and it’s working fine.

Another way of doing it is to start with 4 square polygons i.e. the top left corner. You then do an inset. Select the 4 polygons you just inset and run a “circle” command.

Or you can just run a connect vertex path command J on 2 vertices at a time.

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Knife tool.
click - click - e
click - click - e
click - click - e
click - click - e