How to convert the new hair system to mesh?

Hi, I wanted to try the new hair system for my sculpture, and it did pretty good, but now that I finished setup of my character hair I wanted to convert it to mesh to sculpt on it some more and finish it, but it seems that object - convert - mesh is just not working.

This hair system is pretty new so I have trouble googling any help with that particular issue.

No straight forward way exists only a workaround as far as i know. See here and here also.


^^Yes. This Hair Curve object is so half assed. Can’t use Deflect Emitter while grooming unlike with default hair. Can’t have interpolated child hair, even if renderer treats those curves as hair primitives. Every use related to modeling (scattering objects or bending something along curve, for example) requires geonodes. It feels at times that Blender is becoming 3ds Max (in a way that there are dozens of systems for doing roughly same thing, and none of them work well together)

The current system is still very much in progress. Give it a release cycle or two, they’ve devoted a lot of resources to it


If you talking about the two hair systems, i have to disagree completely. Even without being absolutely no expert when it comes to hair, i can see at least one trillion things you can do with the new system in combination with geo-nodes what can not be done with the old particles. And as josephhansen mentioned it will need some time to replace all the functionalities of the old system.

It would still be nice if they could get a few of the basic initial things right tho. The lack of a Deflect emitter while grooming is a bit of a pain.

Add to that, a number of the sculpt tools don’t work correctly if you have symmetry turned on, you actually get a different result on the other side.

If you try to solve that and just do one side and then duplicate and mirror the hair object, well that doesn’t really work either.

So yes, lets hope things get sorted out over the next couple of release cycles and then add simulation.


The keyword here is still “combination with geonodes”. If we know vector math well enough to utilize them, doesnt mean everyone else does (and ready to fix the devs’ mistakes). In my opinion, dev team should think about compatibility with existing tools more. When hair curves come with afforementioned conversion issues, and geonodes can break UV and weight paint editors under certain circumstances, it creates concerns about future of Blender. What if the conversion hack (which was clearly not intended) didnt exist? All this incredible potential power would’ve been for nothing

Yeah, but in the end the normal artists can just use nodegroups without the need to know anything about math.

Already regret to have said anything. Do not wanted to start a principle discussion. And i think this thread is not suited for that.

Sorry for venting my frustrations here. No offence meant to you.

As for artists using pre-made geonode groups for that, I’ve planned to share some, though I’m always afraid I forgot something, so it results in constant feature creep
DeformAlongHairCurve.blend (3.1 MB)

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