How to creat this kind of texture

how to creat this texture please

It’s all about extruding work. You would need to know some basics before you start. Frankly, I don’t see anything complex with this one, but this could be a very routine work which could take you some hours to get it done.

no it not modeling i already modeled that, i want to make the same exact texture

not sure, but suppose you would need to work with light spots in order to get that effect.

do you have some thickness on the glass or plastic ?
did you add some color on the glass ?

happy bl

See two videos.
The two have different rendering engines and different results to target. :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks ! about the pink color how can you texture them like that ?

The video contains most of the material information.
There may be problems in combining these properly, but… :thinking:

It would be more helpful to ask questions about the shortcomings as you actually proceed. :slightly_smiling_face:

yes your right thanks mate !

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