The hexagonal objects are instanced via simple geometry node setup. They distributed based on a vertex map of a sphere object. See below for its node graph.
I was going to create the curves based on Erindale’s bridge video where he creates a parabola based on two end points (empties).
The main trouble I have is how do I define the other end point from the points generated by the geometry nodes? As things are happening on a per point basis, is there are a way to access another point. Or should I be thinking about this problem differently. I hope my question is clear.
Based on my limited experience, put in a ‘create a curve with points’ node. Put those points in a list and feed that into a the curve with points node.
Lists are helpful here. As I am learning… Create curve stuff is a LOT of fun.
There are may ways to do this, depending on your use case.
If you want to use empties to control the position (like the OP’s second screen shot), you can do this for a bezier curve.
It can be a little tricky to set the handles of the bezier curves so you could also do this and use 3 empties (or more) to control the curve (which is more intuitive).
Thanks you two! I want to have two objects in the geonodes with the object info and geonodes will make an arc between them to connect them. Like points on a world map and they get connected. Its quite a popular effect. Spend the day figuring it out but i think with the help i can do it.
Connection can be animated that will need the trim curve node.
Ah thanks! Still a beginner in geonodes.
Can i drive the animation with a trim curve node and proximity so it starts at one point?
Probably and i will test that now =D
A slightly more complex version of creating a curve between two empties, where the rotation and scale of the empties controls the direction and length of the bezier handles: