How to create a new class for{'INFO'}, "... ")?

I try to create various topologies for reporting in the info windows, at least, i got [INFO] and [WARNING] options, green and red color background, i would like to get more options{'INFO'}, "# this is a green color report ")

maybe something like that, with a blue background…:{'DATA'}, "# information data processing ")

i tried by many ways, but i couldn t find the way, thanks

this is what i found so far, can be used by others…

i could´nt create new class for info panel (so sad, i really dont see how !), so my solution (not elegant at all) is to write a script that modifiy the theme…

here is my code for this:

import bpy  
import struct  
current_theme = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes.items()[0][0]  
info_newtheme = bpy.context.user_preferences.themes[current_theme].info
def hex_to_rgb(rgb_str):  
    int_tuple = struct.unpack('BBB', bytes.fromhex(rgb_str))  
    return tuple([val/255 for val in int_tuple])  
# settings for new theme for Info windows aka console terminal
info_newtheme.info_debug = hex_to_rgb('88D48D') 
info_newtheme.info_debug_text = hex_to_rgb('88D48D') 

info_newtheme.info_error = hex_to_rgb('F33506') 
info_newtheme.info_error_text = hex_to_rgb('000000') 

info_newtheme.info_info = hex_to_rgb('27A5CD')
info_newtheme.info_info_text = hex_to_rgb('000000')

info_newtheme.info_warning = hex_to_rgb('FFAF50') 
info_newtheme.info_warning_text = hex_to_rgb('FFAF50') 

info_newtheme.info_selected = hex_to_rgb('27A5CD')
info_newtheme.info_selected_text = hex_to_rgb('000000')

# change background color and normal text debug = hex_to_rgb('FFFFFF') = hex_to_rgb('666666') 

If there is a way you know to create other types, please, let me know, i really want to use more the info window for printing debug infos with multiples styles… thanks