How to create a quarter circle elevated path way between 2 staircase


I want to create a circular room with an elevated upper ring pathway. I wish to add 4 staircases at each coordinate (north, south, east, west). But I’m having trouble creating one and scaling according to the beginning and ending or each staircase positions relative to each other. See picture below. Can anyone help me with this thanks. NOTE: that this is a not perfect circle as the center-cross sections will take extra-width for the stairs.

Welcome :tada:

you mean something likes this (??):

Yes, something like this. The only difference is in my design the stairs at each cardinal points open sideways (i.e. are within the arc path). But yeah some like that. How did you achieve that?

This is my starting design, I am able to create an arc, but it’s a but random I cannot match it precisely in place:

Well… i wasn’t sure aboout the stairs… anyway:

I started with a circle only used 1/8, move it from the middle line ( for the stairs) used mirror and an array modifer with an rotated empty…

…so the “positioning” is perfect :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

thanks, I’ll try that

If you want to have the steps follow the curve of the building:


You could use a geometry nodes similar to below.

geo nodes circular steps.blend (124.5 KB)