I made an addon (well, just two buttons for now) that adds and set nodes for tri-planar mapping textures. This, since Quixel Bridge drops only a bunch of textures and connect them to the principled BSDF. Got that, and works. So there is a button: add box mapping. Yay! But now I want the users to be able to adjust the scale (mapping node) in the UI. The data path is: node_tree.nodes["Mapping"].inputs[3].default_value
So I guess I have to use, in the Operator Class, something with: bpy.context.object.active_material.node_tree.nodes["Mapping"].inputs[3].default_value
And probably I need to set up a FloatVector property in the operator class so I get the scale x,y,z together in the UI?.
So far I got only this:
class QXH_OT_scaletex(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname ="qhx.scaletex"
bl_label = "Scale Texture"
bl_description = "Scale the texture"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.active_object is not None
def execute(self, context):
# Make some references to material and it's nodes
activemat = context.object.active_material
treenode = activemat.node_tree.nodes
#scale the texture
# treenode["Mapping"].inputs[3].default_value
# ............
return {FINISHED}
It works, but gives a button and sets the scaling to 0.5:
I’ll do some tests, and see if I can sliders
Update: not sure where I am heading to, so far I got:
class QXH_OT_scaletex(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname ="qxh.scaletex"
bl_label = "Scale Texture"
bl_description = "Scale the texture"
#create properties
scale_prop : bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(
size=4) # size?
def poll(cls, context):
return context.active_object is not None # todo: and if material has a mapping node
def execute(self, context):
# Make some references to material and it's nodes
activemat = context.object.active_material
treenode = activemat.node_tree.nodes
#scale the texture
# treenode["Mapping"].inputs["Scale"].default_value = (0.5,0.5,0.5) ...
# ... that gave a button in the UI panel, and set the mapping to 0.5
# ....checking on how to get sliders instead
def draw(self, context):
row.prop(self, "scale_prop", text="Scale Texture")
return {FINISHED}
Textbox looks to cumbersome to me; you think 0.2 is nice, press ok. No, 0.3 maybe. No, 0.23… Ahw yes, 0.236. So that is typing 4 times, and 4 times confirming? Why you favour texbox for scaling a texture?
What if you want 0.24 but the slider jumps from 0.23 to 0.25? Or if you want a scale of 100 but the slider only allows [-5, +5]? Besides numeric textboxes can also slide if you click and drag the number.