Hi everyone! Is anybody know how to create library with object’s names or something like this:
For example, when I want to give a name to object - blender show me a variances
Hi everyone! Is anybody know how to create library with object’s names or something like this:
For example, when I want to give a name to object - blender show me a variances
Hi, IIUC first is Object Properties.
Some of the properties are Mesh (Cube), Material, Texture, Parents and so forth.
Cheers, mib
I don’t know what’s possible via scripting. But if I needed something like this and don’t script myself, I would just add a text datablock to the startup file containing such names for copy & paste. Not ideal for what you want, but I use this method for other strings I need to copy often or just information I want to look up.
Thank you, mib. As I can see in Object Properties is possible to change the name of object and mesh, but… For example - when you start typing in browser something in new tab - google give you a variance to cintinue and you can select a popular inquiry.
thanks, CarlG. Now I try to use “autocomplete” with my word’s library, but in Blender it does’n work well.
When I select right variance in autocomplete - blender doesn’t put it well - it’s a problem:
A, now I understand.
Nice idea but cant help here.
Cheers, mib
Maybe your script is adding illegal invisible characters? Try to delete every thing before and after the correct names even if it doesn’t show anything being deleted on the screen. If it works after then you had invisible illegal characters in there , maybe the tab character at the beginning it seems to be there from the autocomplete list
There is currently a google summer of code about improving outliner.
I suggest you to propose that into thread dedicated to gsoc.
Maybe it could end-up in Blender without the need of a script.