I am trying this command to create a new ‘Layout’ workspace but it does not work. Probably it has to do something with context.
import bpy
ok = bpy.ops.workspace.append_activate(idname='Layout')
# returns {'CANCELLED'}
I am trying this command to create a new ‘Layout’ workspace but it does not work. Probably it has to do something with context.
import bpy
ok = bpy.ops.workspace.append_activate(idname='Layout')
# returns {'CANCELLED'}
What error are you getting, or what output is in the console?
Hi, I just found that the filepath parameter is needed as well.
In this file: blender\3.1\scripts\addons\render_povray\base_ui.py
import bpy
filepath= bpy.utils.user_resource('CONFIG', path='startup.blend')
In the Blender API it said that the filepath was optional, but anyway…