How to create stars in blender internal for a space scene?

I am creating a space scene in blender internal.

Now the stars options has been removed, how can I create stars?

What will be better using a space star texture or creating the material with nodes? I mean which is not going to flicker while animating? Or is it best to add a star background while doing final video editing?

I can find cycles tutorials on this but not for blender internal (new versions). My whole scene is setup in internal so I cannot just move on to cycles.

Blender version is 2.75.

Any help?

Well I managed to add a star texture on a cube and use it instead. Using UV Sphere with inverted normals was not working.

i now this was figured out but, what about using a sphere to make a bunch of random, floating halo particles that don’t move.

Yes but I am already using an asteroid particles in the scene, adding another particles would mean more rendering time.

It is already rendering at 1080 p taking 10 minutes average for each frame. Using a background texture is much faster, also the result is looking very good.

I am planning to use images only for backgrounds from now on.

Help please! !!! ARRRGGGH!!!

OK, I am a noob to Blender, but after much hair-pulling and many hours I managed to get a basic dissolving logo to work using Blender Internal… (I have managed this just by doing a few on-line tuts, but I need to sit down and study a formal Blender tutorial, which would have probably saved me much aggravation and time!!!)

What is killing me is I cannot even add a simple Star Field to my little project using the Stucci method!!! It shows fine in preview for Texture and World, but never in the final render or Compositor.

So I tried adding another Particle Field to a deep Rectangle and that gives a nice depth and differing size effect, BUT I cannot get anything to show unless HALO is selected under Render. Ugggh!