I would like to create these painted metal materials (roof, body, underbody) .
I don’t know how to proceed. I would like to re-create the subtle mix : not really shiny, not really matt, and a strong metallic feeling.
My question is not about the weathering (dirt,rust) but the painted metal material in itself.
All your help would be greatly appreciated !
It looks like there’s a cavity shader in the mix which is just an AO mask.
Thanks for the so quick answer ! I’m going to test.
Could you make a zoom on the shader nodes you proposed ?
The picture I download is pixelised (I can’t read the nodes settings).
I would like to start from your draft.
Best. Francis
Paint is paint and as such dielectric (like plastic) - I don’t expect metallic paint to apply here as it wouldn’t make sense. Doesn’t matter what you apply it on as long as it covers the underlying material fully. You could have it go metallic in areas where the paint is scratched off. What may influence the paint if painted very thinly is the underlying bumps not being perfectly smoothed out. The red part shows a white’ish reflection, a metallic reflection would have the tint of the base color. Of course any protective coating would also influence the shading, hard to say in this one if that applies. Always best to shoot the object in closeup with a single bright light source from facing and various grazing angles. Look for variations in roughness and how the actual bumps look like; nothing is perfectly flat.
In addition to that, I would say that the reference image doesn’t look very realistic to me. I suspect that it’'s CGI, isn’t it? If you intend to create a realistic look, I would rather search for more realistic reference images.
You can use a noise texture as a bump map with real high scaling and then set the roughness of the BSDF. It looks very much like painted metal.