How to Deal with Cubes

This plays in an endless loop, down in the deepest, darkest and most secret pits where there is no day and no night and big machines are humming endlessly. The poor little creatures who keep them running need to be reminded every day, of the rules, of their duties and sacrifice for the Greater Good.

The machines must never stop.

Cubes need to be moved.

Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth …

2D animation in Krita - Blender for compositing (noise, old film projector effect … sound (ack ack ACK).
Idea sparked from a little side project we’re working on, where it would be nice to have that clip run somewhere, inside a 3D scene. As I enjoy trying a bit of 2D animation these days, and completely pointless stuff as well, it had to be done. :slight_smile:



Love it, good orwellian and the wall-vibes (although “good” may not be the fitting word :laughing:)! Looking forward to the 3d scene where you might include it.

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Weirdly, somehow that whole AI hype sparks all kinds of unrelated, nonsensical ideas in my head - and most of all, the urge to focus more on narrative and less technical stuff again. Don’t know whether that particular 3D scene will ever see the light (I’m not the one making it …), but somehow this will be put to further use. :slight_smile:

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