How to delete/uninstall previous blender versions

Hello guys! In the last couple of weeks/months there have been published many betas prior to the official release of 2.8. I would now like to delete them to free up the occupied space on my pc. Afaik there is no unistall exec.file in the blender zip file so I wanted to know how to make a clean unistall/delete of previous versions? Is it enough to drag and delete them into the recycling bin? Or would you suggest another way? Thx for your help!

You’re on Windows?
Then you have to delete your settings in I believe …somewhere…appdata/blender… Bla in addition. (Sry for not giving the exact path. I don’t remember from my Windows days) Unless you created a config folder within the unzipped folder. Then it’s enough to delete the unzipped files.

Yes, I´m on Windows. Ok I will check that up - Thanks for your help!

You’re welcome.
Read about the appropriate path here in the docs:

It’s for 2.79 but they didn’t change as far as I know.

Cool! Thanks a lot for the link! :+1:

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You should be able to just throw the folders away. The Appdata directories hold config files shared between all your 2.80 versions by default and in theory you should not need to do anything with them.

My preference is to use the ZIP installation method even with the final release, and in the extracted folder find the 2.80 folder and inside of that create a folder named config which will make that Blender install keep completely isolated config files that won’t conflict with any other copies of the same version that you might have laying around.

Aha…Ok, I understand! I was unaware of that procedure (creating a config folder within the extracted 2.80 folder). So what I have done was to simply unzip the betas and then I did put them into my created default Blender folder. I was unsure if drag/drop/deleting them in the recycle bin would be enough because I thought that this way too straightforward and simple haha. Well, I guess it´s all good then…thanks for your input @Zoot