How to distribute keyframes in dopesheet?

I am working with Blender 2.8 and I am trying to distribute some keyframes in the dopesheet view. To illustrate what I want to do:

The left culumn I edited manually. The right culumn I want to look similarly, but I don’t want to go through this process again and again.

There has to be an easier way, like a “distribute keys” feature or a shearing-tool. When I search and type in “shear” a tool pops up. But using it immedeatly crashes blender. Rotation does nothing. And using proportional editing also seems to work on one channel only … Help!

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I think there might be a bug with regards to proportional editing and the dope sheet.

I can only get it to work with the random fall-off type.

Try this. Place the cursor at your first key frame. Select all keyframes at that position (Control+K). Make sure proportional editing is on, then try scaling they keyframes. I only see the correct results if “Random” is selected as the proportional mode.

This may very well be a bug.

Thank you for your reply. What you do by selecting all keyframes at a given timestamp couldn’t lead to the result I am looking after, just like selecting every vertex of a mesh wouldn’t help in editiing the mesh proportionally.

What I am trying to do is to i. E. select the top keyframe in a culumn and move it to the left, every key below following for a fraction, resulting in a slope of keyframes.
Unfortunately it seems lie it isn’t intended for proportional editing to work across channels. So I am looking for another way to do that.

@Herrmann did you find how to do this automatic increment ?
I need to do exactly what you describe in your screenshot :slight_smile:

Thanks !