How to do a Blender 2.5 to Blitz3D ( b3d )

I am enjoying Blender 2.5, it’s great, but the reason I am using it is to use the end product with Blitz3D. The .x and .3ds don’t use the graphics / textures when loaded in Blitz. I suppose I could learn to code in the Game machine, but am used to Blitz. Is there an exporter for .b3d?
Any suggestions very welcome because I have spent literaly days trying to get this to work.
Dicon :confused:

Well, 3ds used to work well?..
Try OBJ format or the 2.49 version, maybe

I am trying to find the same b3d exporter. Unfortunately OBJ won’t help as it doesn’t save out characters that are skinned, same with 3ds and .x as far as I know.

Have you tried Colada format?

2.07 exporter version, I think lightmaps and character animations supported.

The author of it had the nick of GaNDaLDF.

this exporter is hard to find on internet now.

Well, it doesn’t work for either 2.6.2 or the new 2.5.
Does anyone here know which version ( probably pretty old by now ) version it works with please?
It might be worth the hassle of porting the Blender file piece by piece into an older version, thus bypasing Giles. Which is a pain to operate, but does work.

blender 2.41 most surely, or 2.4

With the python that it worked.

Advice would be “bake” your animations in a way than can be exported to 2.4x, that is, use features only that are backward compatible, or just do whatever needed for a *.blend of a character animated model and its animations, be opened ok in a 2.4x

Then export to b3d from there. I am just not aware fo that backwars workflow, have not needed to, but is like always: dig to see the tricks.

Another route, work directly the animation part in blender 2.4x. Maybe also the rigging, it depends. Importing the character mesh, as blend, obj, whatever from 2.5 to 2.4 , surely no probs.

Would be amazing if you could open your blend files, rigged, with constraints, animated with all animations into a 2.4x blender, then export to b3d. I doubt is as easy.

For levels less issues. Surely no much probs to load static meshes in thos older blenders.
(in worse case, use for those OBJs or colladas, etc)

Hope it helped.