How to do a diagonal loop cut?

How to do a diagonal loop cut? Like at an angle like 45’ to do that effect you see on ROG Motherboards

You can use the knife tool, it has options to constrain the cut to an angle



To align loopcuts in the same angle like the block @joseph has the solution.
I just add you can make a regular loopcut and select the edges on one side and just make a gg slide.

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That works well for simple geometry, but would it work if the mesh was a cylinder?

Yes, you have to shear the cylinder:


Well I guess you mean the diagonal deformation of the cylinder rather than the loopcut, right? Do it with the shearing tool or proportional editing with linear. ( You may need to activate “projected from view”).


Then instead of trying to make a diagonal loop cut, it would be necessary to apply the shear to a normal loop cut, right?

Again, only to contextualize, I’m not talking about that specific case, but about the general question of making a diagonal loop cut.

Generally, a loop cut by default takes the angle from the endings faces or the nearest edge loops that already exists.

So you need only to shear the loop cuts if the desired angle does not fit the existing angle of the nearest loop cut or face.

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That I know. I love the shear tool, I only miss the possibility to control it by angle and not offset.

Generally loopcuts are placed in quadbased bands or loops. And the placement is typically along the center line of these loops. So the solution proposed here was to shear the quads before. Otherwise the knife is a better option ( as @Hadriscus said)

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A value of 1 as input gives 45°,
so as input 1/45*a should give the desired angle as far as geometrical possible.

Blender fields do calculations so just input it.

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I saw that too, it’s only a matter of making some math. To tell the truth, I saw that right now, as I never used the tool for any case where I needed an exact value.

See, @joseph, how good it is when you make a question to expand the scope of a post and don’t jump a mad user screaming why you did do that? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Instead, we have here 2 very polite users doing their best.

It would be rather tan^-1(value/1) = angle

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Please, don’t scare me with math. I’m just a poor designer. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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:joy: Hahahaha, I’m sorry.

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You are right, i everytime forget that. Obvious it cant be a linear function.


You guys destroy the pleasure of living in a simple world. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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