like this pastry thing called yum yums
even danish style pastry iced look would be cool
this is as far as i got with nodes…
I am trying to do the material all with nodes/ get that glazed icing look for fun
heres my blend file
yum yum iced pastry 1.blend (1.1 MB)
after some tweaks i also tried the Danish pastry tonight. doesnt look right …
danish pastry .blend (1.2 MB)
really struggling to do the pastry flakes
Ask your self this: In the real world, is the icing a separate object on top of the pastry? The answer of course is yes. Make the icing in Blender a separate object. Then you’ll be able to get the effect of being able to see the pastry through and underneath the parts of the icing that are more translucent.
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thanks a lot ! seperating the icing layer into seperate object worked well!
i went all out on the procedural nodes and did a toasted top parts pretty happy with my version now
heres my updated blend file
danish pastry seperate icing and burnt top .blend (1.7 MB)
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