How to do my value proposition as a blender artist?

Typically the opposite is a much solid plan, to have a picture of what is going on on the job market in terms of skills +demand +portfolios and then try adapting to it by becoming more “hireable” (or competitive - if you want to use this word).

The catch here is that if you go for very specialized genre, then the chances of finding a good matching company to hire you are getting slim (job security). One part is what the company asks, then the other part is what you are willing to do. If you go for certain designs and certain interesting stuff, then you even further narrowing your focus. One point is that it makes things even more difficult to find job, the other point is that it makes your focus and skill much better and specialized, this is a dillema.

More or less, if you approach artistic jobs in the same way as filling in checkboxes in Excel I bet that you can become a great and successful employee. However if this does not sit well in you and you think that there is much more meaning in artistic job, then you might have to think in terms of becoming more independent and self sustained, which is another huge part.

PS: I won’t support that my logic is correct, but at least I have figured out a way to structure it in some way that it makes sense, instead of having open-ended-logic or do-whatever-you-like style.

Some other posts about finding work that might be handy:

I am looking for a job as a 3D artist - #3 by strawberrypink
Help me figure out the direction in 3d - #9 by const