How to do proportional editing scale with geometry nodes?

I am trying to reduce the file size of a scene by rebuilding geometry with modifiers.

Left = original geometry
Right = screw modifier
Middle = apply screw modifier, delete all verts above a certain z position, select last edge loop and scale down with proportional editing

Is there a way to get the middle geometry by using geometry nodes modifier after the screw modifier?

I can already delete the necessary geometry with geometry nodes but I don’t know how to go about scaling the end down.

You could even generate the whole thing in geometry nodes, I think. But to scale the end, you would have to remap the Z position from 9…10 (what I assume are the original coordinates of the taper at the end) to 0…1, pipe that through a float curve to get the easing, scale the position vector (vector math) on the Z plane (=not accounting for Z) and finally set position.


To add to Hadriscus’ response, that would look something like this:

… here the effect is going from 1.6 to 1.9 (for my example.)

Good luck.


Right now I’m just struggling to make anything happen. lol.

I’ve got some nodes that “do something”:

And I want to use the Mix node to have a slider that transitions between “do something” and do nothing but I can’t figure out how to get the positions from the “do something” state available to me to mix with the “do nothing state”. Basically I have zero clue how to move attributes around. Having to plug the Capture Attribute Geometry into something when I want to continue using the unmodified geometry has turned the whole thing into confusing puzzle and my brain has switched places with my bladder.

Maybe you can use curves with shape and taper:

with_curve.blend (99.6 KB)

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Thanks. I’ll try that too. I forget curves have these options.