Left = original geometry
Right = screw modifier
Middle = apply screw modifier, delete all verts above a certain z position, select last edge loop and scale down with proportional editing
Is there a way to get the middle geometry by using geometry nodes modifier after the screw modifier?
I can already delete the necessary geometry with geometry nodes but I don’t know how to go about scaling the end down.
You could even generate the whole thing in geometry nodes, I think. But to scale the end, you would have to remap the Z position from 9…10 (what I assume are the original coordinates of the taper at the end) to 0…1, pipe that through a float curve to get the easing, scale the position vector (vector math) on the Z plane (=not accounting for Z) and finally set position.
And I want to use the Mix node to have a slider that transitions between “do something” and do nothing but I can’t figure out how to get the positions from the “do something” state available to me to mix with the “do nothing state”. Basically I have zero clue how to move attributes around. Having to plug the Capture Attribute Geometry into something when I want to continue using the unmodified geometry has turned the whole thing into confusing puzzle and my brain has switched places with my bladder.