How to do Remesh (Mode: Block) and Decimate in Geometry Nodes?

I want to repeat this work in Geometry Nodes without modifier.

Then done Decimate and WireFrame

How to do Remesh (Mode: Block) in Geometry Nodes?
Something similar can be done with Distribute Points on Faces and Instance on Points but there will be the following problem. I need to somehow connect the distance between the cubes with lines, and then make Mesh to Curves.

Re-mesh is Mesh to Volume → Volume to Mesh. Decimate doesn’t exist and will be very challenging to implement. Recommend you just use the modifier…

Also, remember that GN is a modifier so you can stack multiple GN modifiers between regular modifiers. If you can get away with regular modifiers then it is advisable to just use them.

Good luck!


Yes, I thought of doing that, but it doesn’t turn out to be such a rectangular shape.

Still not understanding why you don’t just want to use the modifier?


At first glance, it seemed to me that this was inconvenient to combine with Geometry Nodes. But everything seems ok.

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